Welcome to the Wills Family History & Genealogy site. You have come to a very personal place filled with memory, storytelling, fact, conjecture and local history. It is about my mother’s family, the Wills Family and individual’s struggles as immigrants and first and second generation Americans. This is a place for genealogy and sharing Wills family tree, stories passed from fathers to daughters and mothers to sons. Much is from family lore and the personal memories of my mother, my aunts and my uncles. A little historical background about the 19th and early 20th century life in upstate New York’s industrial gateway will help to put stories in perspective.
It covers a time of serious religious intolerance between Protestant and Catholic groups – and many other groups as well. It was a time of class struggles, labor conflicts, mass immigration, cultural adaptation, rapid change, and manifest destiny. It was a time of several myths -especially the one that told immigrants they could make it to the top if they if they had the will and determination. This myth, held tightly by so many never took into consideration the advantages being the recipient of generational wealth. The heirs of established landowners, the benefits of higher education at elite institutions and the social connections it offered, the opportunity to try and fail but still feed yourself were all overlooked when a wealthy man told the poor man to “pull yourself up by the bootstrap”. The first and second generation of the Wills family struggled during the Gilded Age with its industrial robber barons, the Panic of 1893. the Great War, Then came the Roaring 20s, the presence of the KKK in upstate communities, and Prohibition – all followed by the Great Depression of 1929-1939. All these events and movements affected the Wills family in many ways we can never fully comprehend today in the 21st century.
John Albert Wills and Elizabeth Bissonnette, are the focus couple in this Wills Family story. Their nine children and many grandchildren will also be included when I have stories or research that can bring them to life. As this site and the family story develops in pages and posts, John A. Wills’ parents, aunts and uncles in Cornwall, brothers and sisters in America will be included. Elizabeth Bissonnette’s family will be explored elsewhere in a site devoted to the Franco-American side of her family.
Previously, I’ve blogged about my Wills family on FrancoamericanGravy.blogspot.com . Unfortunately, the posts are scattered throughout the blog which is more about the Franco-American branch of my family. During the years I’ve written and learned about my Franco-American family, I also learned more about my Wills family, and its place in family history. This is my attempt to interweave memories of the Wills family, documented facts and American history and put them in one place.