FrancoAmericanGravy is an avatar for an independent family historian and decent family genealogist but by no means a professional. They came of age in Upstate New York during the 1950s and 1960s. In those years after WW2, our families found it easier to blend into American society than to recall the harsh life left behind in Quebec. Our families had no sentimentality about being FrancoAmericans – they preferred to forget the past and the 19th century.
The post war years were a time of prosperity and unification; we were all blended Americans. We believed in the value of ‘the melting pot’ . We were Americans now and where our families came from was of no consequence any longer – or so we thought.
We didn’t learn our grandparent’s language. Schools taught us the Parisian version.
We didn’t eat mimere’s foods, We preferred TV dinners, Hamburgers and French fries.
We didn’t observe St Jean Baptiste Day – we had the fourth of July!
We didn’t ask the questions we could have; we didn’t seek the answers we should have. We were young.
Contact us if you find something on this cite that interests you or shakes your family tree. Our email is Thank you.